sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2014

Holly Hollow Night

Aprisiono-me num cérebro gritante
Estrangeiro para dentro de mim que profere discursos difusos 
Sem sentido algum escuto esse cérebro perturbador de fim de noite
Perturbador de fim de cigarro
Perturbador de fim de música
Ouvindo no silêncio...

"Man, I fell bad, I fell sad, I fell stupid in this hollow night!
And even the rain, and the clouds and the moon are stupid in this hollow night! 
I fell dumb, I fell clever, I fell stupid in this hollow night!
I see monsters, I see men, I see angels in this hollow night!
Lightnings, thunderstorms and smoke are stupid in this hollow night!
Loneliness is like black holes in this hollow night!
And the sky is falling, and the clouds are falling, and the angels are falling, and god doesn't even exist
Thus everything is stupid in this hollow night!
I want to sleep! MAN, I really want to fuck in this hollow night!
Maybe angels without any wings will be sucking my divine gorgeous cock in this hollow night!
And then this night will be a fucking holly hollow night!"

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